

Mermaids consist of different colors and scales, similar to our collection which consist of lots of colors.

The mermaids don’t actually exist. it is imaginary and unique just like our collection.

Mermaid haute couture

Our collection tells a story about different women or different colors that when combined together in one single mermaid create something so unique and exceptional. The characteristics of Antoushka

women are bold, powerful, extravagant and edgy. It has its unique sexy side yet feminine and tender just like mermaid.

The aim of this collection is to emphasize the art of creation not just a dress to wear but the story behind it from art, details and creating a whole savoir-faire combined to make a wearable ‘’oeuvre d’ art ‘’, the mixture of haute couture. It took around 2340 hours for the fabrics to be crafted, manipulated and redefined to envision the soul of the women underneath it.

When it comes to silhouettes, to decide which one speaks the most about Antoushka woman we have the mermaid , tiered, asymmetric, bubble, maillot-inspired, thigh-high slits, tubular and jumpsuits .

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